von aussen fällt dunkel ein / dark falls in from the outside

Künstlerhaus Dortmund, 1999
Organization of Everyday Life, group exhibition, curator An Seebach

12 black and white negatives are projected into the room by 12 slide projectors
Text fragments, typed on 43 A4 sheets, are spread across the walls and floor

While the sun fell through the windows and wandered through the room as rectangular sunspots, I captured the room with black and white negatives. 12 of these black and white negatives recreate the room as a projection in two overlapping layers. They create a duplication and displacement of the real space. The objects as originals and their image in light enter into a dialog.

The visitor appears as a large shadow in the various projections and disappears from them again. His shadow dissolves part of the projected space, but the space remains in the second layer of the projection.

A4 sheets of paper are pinned to the walls and floor. Texts have been typed on them, creating a reference to a daily routine that takes place outside this room. They are descriptions of incidental everyday observations and minimal shifts in perception.
